Gluten is often “hidden” in common foods and ingredients that we regularly eat. Here’s a detailed list that will help you when you are at the grocery store.
Gluten can be “hidden” in places where you least expect it to be. Below are some common items that may contain gluten. Be careful to always check the labels on the following items. If you are uncertain, contact the manufacturer, talk to your pharmacist or visit: for a list of gluten-free medications and cosmetics. It’s unclear how many medicines contain gluten. Steve Plogsted, a nutrition support pharmacist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, demonstrates in a limited list he maintains that over 150 prescription and OTC medicines contain the gluten molecule and it may not be disclosed on the label.
Here’s another good source for GF cosmetics.
• Malt vinegars • Soy sauce • Mustard • Salad dressing • Fruit & vegetable juices • MSG • Vegetable proteins • Couscous • BBQ Sauce |
• Teriyaki sauce • Soup • Spice mixes • Hot tea • Artificial colors & flavors • Smoke flavor • Orzo pasta • Rice syrup • Vitamins/medications • Beer & some alcoholic beverages |
Surprise Sources of Hidden Gluten in Non-Food Sources: Cosmetics, playdough (some kids will eat this), some medicines and tea bag packaging. You can call the manufacturer to be certain. Once thought to be a hidden source of gluten was the glue used on stamps, envelopes, and labels that you lick. According to the Envelope Manufacturers Association, there is no gluten used in the glue for lickable envelopes. Also, the U.S. Postal Service uses gluten-free stamp glue.