We've compiled a list of some of our favorite Websites for the gluten-free traveler.
To get essential facts, tips and tales to help maintain your special diet anywhere in the world. Plus they offer (free) gluten-free restaurant cards in 54 languages. (www.celiactravel.com)
Features extensive, user-submitted dining and travel reviews. Check out their “Travel Resources Page” with links to many sites and resources. The blog has great updates. (www.glutenfreetravelsite.com)
Publishes a series of pocket guides for different types of global cuisines. They help guide you in asking the right questions to avoid gluten when dining out and traveling. They also sell various apps for use with an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. (www.glutenfreepassport.com)
Specializes in international holidays for celiacs and the gluten-intolerant. This is an Australian-based travel agency that helps confirm reservations with the airlines, hotels and resorts, tour companies and cruise lines. The website has lots of useful links to many things “down-under”. (www.glutenfreetravel.com.au)
Uses information garnered from the web and the views and opinions of site visitors to help you find where you can stay and eat when in the UK for the optimal gluten-free experience. (www.travelglutenfree.co.uk)
A global guide of shops, restaurants and hotels with options for gluten-free, dairy free and other allergen-free food options. Their interactive map is great and user friendly. (www.specialgourmets.com)
A UK-based website and newly launched phone app that is an allergy friendly guide to restaurants, pubs, cafes and hotels throughout Europe. (www.gluten-free-onthego.com)
Is there an on-line resource that you’ve used with success when planning travel that’s not included here? Please let others know! Add your thoughts below.