Here's a listing and overview of the top celiac research centers and clinics in the US.
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard University, MA
The BIDMC Celiac Center is a multidisciplinary center in New England specializing in the care of patients with CD and other gluten sensitive disorders. Internationally recognized experts —gastroenterologists, nutritionists and experts in allergy, bone health and endocrinology — have extensive experience in managing all aspects of CD including treatment of refractory sprue.
The Celiac Center at Paoli Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
The Celiac Center at Paoli Hospital provides a local resource to help manage and embrace the gluten-free lifestyle. Whether you believe you or a loved one have CD, are newly diagnosed or have lived gluten-free for years, this team is committed to helping you through it all, from screening and nutritional counseling to consultations with specialists.
Center for Celiac Disease at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA
The pediatric celiac experts give your child expert care, from initial testing and diagnosis through long-term disease management. Your child will receive the latest information, as well as intensive support from our team of physicians, nutritionists, nurses, educators, laboratory technicians and clinical researchers. The Center provides nutrition counseling for each patient upon diagnosis and as a follow-up measure.
Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University Medical Center, NY
The Celiac Disease Center was established within the Department of Medicine at Columbia University in 2001. Its mission: to redefine the future of CD and treatment on an ongoing basis, through continuing advances in research, patient care and physician and public education. The Center provides comprehensive medical care, including nutrition, for adult and pediatric patients with CD. All of the Center’s research is directed toward celiac disease-clinical epidemiology, and mechanisms of CD and patient and physician education. The Center diagnoses and treats more than 2,000 patients annually from around the world.
Center for Celiac Research, Mass General Hospital for Children, MA
The Center for Celiac Research & Treatment is dedicated to improving the quality of life for patients with celiac disease, while learning the cause of the disease and finding a cure. Under the leadership of Alessio Fasano, MD, The Celiac Center has moved from Baltimore to MassGeneral Hospital for Children (MGHfC) in Boston,February 2013.
Digestive Disease Institute at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, PA
The Jefferson Celiac Center is Philadelphia's first adult center with a multidisciplinary approach to CD. Specialists of the Jefferson Celiac Center have a long history of excellence in the diagnosis and management of CD as well as extensive experience in helping patients manage this lifelong condition. There is a diagnostic procedure known as capsule endoscopy that has proven extremely effective in providing images of the small bowel. Jefferson physicians are pioneers in this truly revolutionary noninvasive means of imaging the small bowel and are one of the Philadelphia area's leaders in this specialty. In fact, more than 3,000 capsule endoscopies have been performed by the highly skilled team in the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit.
Kogan Celiac Center of Saint Barnabas Health Care System, NJ
The Kogan Celiac Center, located at the Saint Barnabas Ambulatory Care Center, offers comprehensive testing and treatment for CD for adults and children. The Center is dedicated to providing expert services that include early assessment and diagnosis, treatment, education and support to improve the health and well-being of those who live with CD.
Mayo Clinic Celiac Center, MN
Mayo Clinic is investigating new and innovative ways to diagnose and treat CD. Mayo's research program, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, focuses on several aspects of CD. They include prevalence, causes, the role of genetics in predicting CD, development of animal models for the disease and the skin rash associated with CD — dermatitis herpetiformis.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, IL
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, in the Division of Gastroenterology has a diverse medical staff that will work with you to control the symptoms that negatively affect your health and life while focusing on the treatment of your condition or disease.
Stanford Hospital Celiac Sprue Clinic, CA
The Stanford Celiac Sprue Clinic offers long term follow-up care to diagnosed CD patients.
University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center, IL
The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center Research Program is focused on making new discoveries in the pathogenesis of CD that will impact the treatment, follow-up and diagnosis of the disease.
University of Colorado Hospital, CO
University of Colorado Hospital is ranked among the nation’s top programs for treating digestive disorders, including Celiac Sprue Disease.
University of Virginia Health System – The Digestive Health Center of Excellence, VA
Their digestive specialists have been recognized for excellence in the treatment and research of digestive disorders.
UC San Diego Health System Center for Celiac Disease, CA
In addition to advanced diagnostic techniques and nutritional counseling, UC San Diego Health System provides opportunities for you to participate in clinical trials examining new treatment options for celiac disease. To meet the clinical needs of people with celiac disease, we run a pediatric celiac disease clinic, directed by Dr. Kimberly Newton, and an adult celiac disease clinic, directed by Dr. Sheila Crowe.