By Carlyn Berghoff, Sarah Berghoff McClure, Dr. Suzanne Nelson and Nancy Ross Ryan
Written in a unique style that offers perspectives from the mother (Berghoff), her daughter (McClure) and their physician (Ryan), this gluten-free recipe book offers more than just 100 new recipes for things you thought you’d never eat again.
The trio takes their readers along their personal journeys of discomfort, discovery and adaptation, serving up their knowledge along with support, encouragement and resources for those who have gone through the same ordeal or who are currently embarking on the challenges of managing celiac disease.
Berghoff’s family has owned the famous Chicago German eatery called ‘The Berghoff’ for more than 100 years. After discovering that her 12-year-old daughter had celiac disease, she, like many parents who discover their children can’t eat the usual family fare, set off on a tumultuous odyssey to figure out how to help her daughter become healthy, and navigate adolescence with celiac disease.
Rearing a teenager has it’s own inherent challenges, but throw in the turmoil of dealing with disease on top and it can be daunting. Berghoff speaks to the question of whether or not to make the whole kitchen gluten-free or to share space. She polls teens to find out their favorite foods and through trial and error, creates the same food – not just gluten-free, but deliciously so. Berghoff sheds authentic insight on the struggles of supporting her teen who is “semi-autonomous” about her food choices.
An ideal book for the gluten-free “foodie”, the authors provide several tips that are super helpful for successful gluten-free baking; no more stone cookies!
Jan Phillips, M.Ed.